Looking for ways to improve your vehicle’s fuel consumption and lifespan? These maintenance tips will keep your vehicle on schedule and running smoothly, while also reducing fuel consumption AND help keep your car, truck or SUV operating at an optimal level for years to come.
Our community based business is here to ensure you drive away safely, and in an affordable and quality-assured way – which we take great pride in!
Improve Your Vehicle’s Fuel Consumption & Lifespan

There are a variety of ways to improve fuel consumption, as well as better ensure your vehicle is mechanically sound year after year. Some ways to do so include…
Air Filter Change – having your air filter changed ensures your engine is getting the right flow of air, keeping it regulated and working in an optimal way.
Fuel Filter Change – a clogged fuel filter will cause your engine to work harder, putting added pressure on the mechanics of your vehicle and adding to its energy and fuel consumption needs too.
Attention to these small, but not minor, details will help in the collective effort of your vehicle’s operations, among others.
Sprung a Leak?
Finding the source of a fluid leak can be difficult; we understand. Allow us to get under your vehicle to find out exactly where the leak is coming from – including:
- Brake Fluid Leaks
- Coolant Leaks
- Differential Fluid Leaks
- Engine Oil Leaks
- Fuel Leaks
- Power Steering Fluid Leaks
- Transmission Fluid Leaks
Norlang Auto Service in Langley
Our auto services in Langley offers a wide-range or basic maintenance, as well as more complex repairs. We deliver state-of-the-art machinery to ensure your vehicle is addressed according to brand and model, and that each customer and their vehicle is treated with individualized care.
Our Auto Services Include…
- Air Conditioning Repairs & Service
- Air Suspension & Air Spring Repairs
- Brakes & ABS Repairs & Service
- Cooling System Repairs & Service
- Courtesy Cars for our Clients
- Engine Mechanical Repairs & Service
- Maintenance & Lubrication
- Problem Solving & Diagnostics
- Starting Charging & Electrical Systems
- Steering & Suspension Repairs & Service
- Tires Repairs & Service
- Transmission & Driveline Repairs & Service
- Turbocharger Repairs & Service
- Walnut Blasting: Carbon Cleaning
Curious to know more about how to Improve Your Vehicle’s Fuel Consumption & Lifespan? Drop by our shop at 102 – 20540 88th Avenue, or give us a call at 604-533-6698. We look forward to continuing to serve the community in which we live!