Automotive Air Conditioning Service, Repairs & Maintenance, Langley BC

Air Conditioning

Help! My Air Conditioning isn’t working!

As the Summer heat goes up, driving without a working air conditioning system is miserable! Save the sweating for your gym workout. We are here to help get that ice cold air keeping you cool again.

Since 1998, Norlang Auto’s experienced and highly-trained A/C technicians have been keeping our customers cool and comfortable during the summer months. We’re your best choice for A/C service, recharge and repairs in the Lower Mainland.

Recharge & Repair of All A/C Systems

Norlang’s expert technicians can handle every aspect of your car’s A/C system from a regular inspection and A/C recharge to repairing or replacing a noisy or inefficient compressor. Our team of A/C experts has the knowledge, training, certifications and equipment to repair and recharge all A/C systems including R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf) equipped vehicles (this is a type of new freon gas that has been used in vehicles manufactured after 2013).

Lower Mainland’s R-1234yf Experts

In 2014, domestic car manufacturers like Fiat Chrysler and GM began using R-1234yf in their vehicles. Soon BMW, Dodge, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Jeep, Kia, Lexus, Jaguar and more started to replace R-134a freon gas with R-1234yf. By 2017, all European vehicle manufacturers had to make the switch to R-1234yf. After 2019, R-1234yf refrigerant has become standard in most vehicles because this refrigerant reduces significantly the amount of harmful gases our vehicles release into the environment. In fact, R-1234yf has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) rating of 4, which is over 350X less than R-134a which has a GWP of 1300!

Contact us today to book an appointment and have us come up with a plan to get you back on the road with a fully working Air Conditioning unit.

A/C Testing & Diagnosing Second To None

Over time, your vehicle’s A/C system will begin to lose its effectiveness. The parts which make up your air conditioning system begin to loosen and wear out which cause leaks in the system and decrease the power of this vital summer driving component of your vehicle. Your vehicle’s air conditioning system may just need a simple recharge or new filters. However, it may need specific repairs or replacement of components in order to keep you cool and comfortable. Whatever the issue may be, Norlang Auto will resolve it right the first time. Our technicians receive ongoing training and are equipped with the latest technology to ensure that any A/C issues will be properly diagnosed and solved before turning into major and costly repairs.

Keep cool this summer by having your vehicle’s A/C properly tested and serviced, recharged and repaired at Norlang Auto where we have made problem-solving our specialty. We believe that a detailed and accurate diagnosis is the key to repairing any issue properly the first time you take your vehicle to your local repair and service centre. Our “Test, Don’t Guess” approach means that you can be assured that your vehicle’s A/C system will work like new.

Signs that your A/C Needs Service

  • Little or no cool air when A/C is on
  • Vented air has an unusual smell
  • Decreased airflow is slower, even at maximum settings
  • A/C works better when the vehicle is moving

Norlang’s A/C Repairs & Services

  • Comprehensive check for faults
  • Leak testing of all A/C components
  • Complete servicing of the A/C system
  • Repairs of all A/C components
  • Recharging A/C system
  • Repairing the climate control system
  • A/C system pipe and hose repairs

A/C Servicing Process

  • Check all internal A/C components
  • Check all A/C components for leaks.
  • Check the radiator coolant operating temperature
  • Check the pressure of the hose pipes
  • Check the pressure of the coolant system
  • Check the pressure of the interior vent air

Comfortable Driving For Your Daily Commute and Summer Road Trip!

Call us before the air conditioning season gets busy to ensure your vehicle’s cooling system is working at full capacity for your Summer road trip, or for those long weeks of commuting during the heatwave.

If you would like more information about our air conditioning services, call us at (604) 888-8681 or book an appointment online. We can answer all your questions and can conduct a thoroughly professional service of your vehicle’s A/C system in order to ensure that it is performing as it should be.